Transformative Messages From The Afterlife

Check out this beautiful animated video created by Valeria Teles, host of “Fit For Joy!” See how she brilliantly captures Rob A Gentile’s message of graceful presence, and wisdom.

About Valeria and Fit For Joy

Valeria Teles (Koopman) is a Healing Coach, Author, and Podcaster. She has spent most of my life searching for happiness and fulfillment, both personally and professionally. On a personal level, she wanted to be happy in her relationships (loving and being loved by her husband, family, and friends).  On a professional level, she wanted to earn a living by making others happy. So Valeria made several changes and tried a variety of external methods, which included losing weight and being in the best shape possible. After making all the costly changes to figure out how to achieve happiness and fulfillment financially, emotionally, and health-wise – she discovered that that what she wanted would come from what she needed: inner peace. And Fit For Joy was born!

Visit The Fit For Joy Website: