What is time? Most people think of time as a constant, but physicist Albert Einstein showed that time is an illusion; it’s relative—it can vary for different observers depending on your speed through space. While time remains a great mystery, one thing is certain; How We Spend our time Creates or Eliminates Fear! Our actions NOW lay the foundation for the future. NOW is the time to LOVE. NOW is the time to be GRATEFUL. NOW is the time to be KIND. GOD is in the NOW. I share an excerpt from the chapter, Into The Ethereal, from my book, Quarks of Light: A Near-Death Experience;

In what feels like the next moment—although I cannot really say how much time passed—I am taken up into a timeless place. I find myself inside a shapeless, formless vacuum of sorts…an unending, infinite vastness. I see that time is only real in the physical realm to satisfy our one-dimensional linear thinking, but it is an illusion here in the Ethereal. Instead, time is constantly in flux between past and present, creating the ultimate paradox. The future seemed hidden, however—if it is also there, I have no sense of it, nor worry about it.