In my last blog, The Light Within, I promised to share what unleashes the light source within us all. A source powerful enough to create an entire universe. In the excerpt below from the chapter, Into The Ethereal, from my book, Quarks of Light, I share why LOVE is the link between the physical and spiritual world;

Suddenly, I feel both exposed and free, realizing there is no place to hide my actions good or bad in the universe.

I think, If I hurt myself, I hurt everything connected to me. But if I love, the light will spread. I don’t feel afraid or lonely here because I’m connected to everything. How can I be alone when I’m part of everything? Loneliness is just an illusion.

I realize that I am part of a universal conversation that is taking place in an unspoken language that all of creation can understand. I feel that this language is one of acceptance, unity, and love.