When I had my near-death experience in 2016, while waiting for a donor heart to keep me alive—the U.S. Presidential election was underway. Today, four years later, our country finds itself more divided than ever. I’m so struck by the similarities, that I just had to share an excerpt from the chapter, It’s Not Home Anymore, in my book, Quarks of Light;

The U.S. Presidential election is in full swing and I am appalled by the degrading nature of the campaign tactics. It is painful to watch human beings strip away each other’s dignity instead of working together for the common good. The country is reeling from the June 12th attack by a twenty-nine-year-old male, at a gay night club in Orlando, killing 49 and leaving another 53 wounded. In July, a racially motivated sniper kills five police officers in Dallas, Texas. The civil war in Syria is decimating the country and slaughtering thousands of civilians. North Korea continues to conduct missile and nuclear tests. Brazil and South Korea impeach their Presidents on corruption charges, while Russia is accused of interfering with U.S. elections.

Coming back into the world, I’m seeing division, dissension and hatred. When I focus on the spiritual realm, it feels like I’m standing in the eye of a hurricane, where it’s calm and safe. Grappling with the incongruence between the two worlds, is both motivating and depressing.

The message I received in The Ethereal was of Unity, Oneness, and our Real Identity. I saw a tapestry made of twinkling lights, hanging on the ceiling of the universe that wove all of humanity together. I came to understand that each light represented a life. We all come from one source, one singular light, and that light in within each of us. What lies ahead of us no matter who wins this election; is the opportunity to unify our families, friends, and our country.

The only way to find peace in ourselves and in the world is to realize that We Are One!