One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my near-death experience is that; real beauty comes from the inside. It was my daughter Maria who taught me this when I saw her in the Ethereal. Here in the temporal realm she is unable to walk, talk or feed herself—she has special needs. But in the spiritual realm she is perfect and whole. I share an excerpt from the chapter, Seeking A New Heart, in my book, Quarks of Light: A Near-Death Experience;
I’m thinking, why does society see Maria as a person of no value? I see her beauty and intelligence; it’s just expressed in a unique way. Is this what we’ve become, judging one another’s value as human beings by a set of standards created by, well—whom? Society as a whole? Who defines beauty? The media? What validates us? Our bank account, education, career? I’d give anything to know how Maria sees herself.
It’s through children like Maria with special needs that we can hear God whispering, “Look at me, I’m right here.” They have no ulterior motives, they are pure, innocent vessels that God speaks through. We are spiritual beings living inside fragile clay vessels we call bodies. When we focus on the real beauty within, we become less judgmental and more accepting of others.